Tag Archives: Peanut Butter Shake

Day 170: Yawn

17 Jun

This week has been incredibly boring for me. I get to see Temoc in the evening (yay!), but then I get to prepare dinner and wash dishes. Then I have to quietly move about the house, catering to his needs. I’m trying to be a good wife, so I don’t break his concentration, but it makes me want to talk to him even more when I know I have to leave him alone. I really should get used to this now because I have another week to go… and then *hopefully* several more years.

Notice the drink in the bottom right hand corner? He requested a peanut butter shake because I didn’t make enough food for dinner. Oops. ;)

All kidding aside, he doesn’t expect anything from me and I really do like helping him in anyway that I can (which is limited to washing dishes and making edible, but apparently not filling meals).

The peanut butter shake is amazingly good. The original recipe can be found here. I unintentionally changed the recipe by cutting the milk in half, and I’ve never added the sugar. I intentionally reduce the calories/fat by using light ice cream, unsweetened almond milk and reduced fat peanut butter (I use only 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, but of course it’s even better with 2-4). Yum!